Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Shaper's Legacy Giveaway Done : )

I loooove Rafflecopter, and they're not paying me to say that - so much easier than comment scraping <3. Congrats to the winners, passed out one set already! I didn't do a video for this one, honestly because I look like a tired hobo right now and I don't have a lot of time.

Look out for a major giveaway soon since I'll be finishing my obligations for my master's program this week. Once that's squared away, I'll be making more videos, bringing back sub games, and generally being a happy and relaxed human being again. I'll also be feeder_noob, master of science!! Woot!

Until then, much love and happy Doto,


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. :'))congrats. to the winners..hey meg,i really think you need some rest..even angels also get tired and so you are:'))<3
    God bless u and more power!^_^
